1/7/2018 – One week Post Total Gastrectomy

They are switching my epidural medication because I’m still in a lot of pain. Hopeful they can manage the pain without making me dizzy.

Finally starting to feel better. Praise the Lord. Last night sucked so much.

With help of an amazing Nurse Tech (Jaunito), I was able to get out of bed. As soon as I stood up I coughed up something awful. That hurt but I feel like I can breathe again. I made it 1/4 a lap before nearly passing out. They used a wheelchair to get me back to my room. Feel pretty bad and weak.

No water until Wednesday so I just chew on ice chips then spit them out. It’s kind of strange.

I made it four laps! Felt good.

The family left and I did another 4 laps. So 1/2 mile total. Feeling good and tired.

They gave me some extra medication for a headache and I think I might actually sleep a bit.

Slept pretty decent. New meds are working much better. Also – the night nurse was awesome.

Same old thing. Made it 20 laps today total and progressing on schedule.

Sleep was ok. I’m realizing the hospital bed is not helpful for my back.

25 laps total today. Things are a bit boring, to be honest. I can’t eat or drink and walking is only so cool. Plus – It’s hard to walk because I’m on the cancer floor and a lot of the patients are in much worse shape than me and they have to talk too. So it gets crowded fast and sometimes it hard to see all the struggling patients and their families. Breaks my heart. I’ll try and do laps early morning while the traffic is clear.

Leak test day!

They immediately thought I had a leak, which was devastating news. However, after waiting to speak with the doctors for four hours, it turns out that I had a partial collapse lung which caused the images to be inconclusive. Phew. That was a rough 4 hours of waiting.

I get to take sips of water. I literally took a sip every 15 minutes for the rest of the day. Feels weird and I feel full.

They took the epidural out and the new pain meds didn’t come for a while. So – I was hurting pretty bad for a few hours. They dialed it in around 10pm and I slept like a baby.

Poweraid, chicken broth, and jello. All went pretty well. Jello tasted amazing.

Discharge day!
I had some eggs this morning and I took 9 bites in about 30 minutes. Decided to stop and not overdo it. Felt good! I chewed more than I have ever chewed.

Discharged around 6pm.

The entire team at Memorial Sloan Kettering was amazing. Dr. Yoon, Dr. Bartlet (his fellow), and special thanks to the following nurses: Nicole, Shirley, Juanito, Martin, Love, and the others who I can’t remember. They were amazing and made the hospital stay much better.

It’s freezing in NYC. Like 12 degrees with 20 mph winds. After walking a few blocks to get food I needed a nap. Following the nap, I told my wife we are leaving tomorrow (Sunday). We were supposed to stay until Wednesday but I don’t think I could. We were so bored and we miss our three kiddos.

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